Air Force Women's Study Identifies Unique Source of Stress

A study conducted by Penny Pierce PhD, RN, associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing has identified that work-family conflict is an independent and significant predictor of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) among women serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. These preliminary findings have caught the attention of numerous agencies including the Air Force whose senior leadership has expressed concern about the well being of our servicewomen.

Dr. Pierce is encouraged by these findings as it points to areas where interventions can be developed to attenuate these modifiable stressors while women are serving in combat areas where other significant stressors cannot be avoided. She states, "It has been encouraging as a researcher that these findings are so quickly reaching levels where policy is created and implemented. Our team takes this responsibility very seriously as we want any recommendations to be based on sound science and reasoned thinking. We owe it to our men and women in uniform to get it right."