Linda K. Strodtman, PhD, RN

Linda Strodtman

Assistant Professor Emerita
Room 4330 NURS1

University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482

Telephone: 734-647-0189 Home: 734-434-0266
Fax: 734-936-5525


  • Palliative care
  • Nursing history
  • Palliative care education
  • Nursing history at University of Michigan, including oral history
Dr. Strodtman's program of research has focused on addressing palliative and end-of-life care issues. Her work on providing a "Good Death" from an interdisciplinary care team perspective resulted in several educational video productions. See Her most recent research has focused on education of nurses and other health professionals in palliative and end-of-life care. 


Dr. Strodtman in an experienced scholar of nursing history, co-founder (1983) and currently archivist with the Nursing History Society of the University of Michigan. She has conducted oral histories with Michigan nurse leaders, as well as researching historical artifacts (e.g. invalid feeding cups and spoons, nursing dolls/toys) and their relationship to the development of professional nursing.

Current Research Grants and Programs

  • Price, D.; & Montagnini, M. (PI’s); Collaborators: Strodtman, L.; Smith, H.; Silveira, M.; Giacomazza, M.; Pituch, K.; & Wade, K. Exploratory Projects in Palliative Care Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Health Care Providers Regarding Palliative and End-of-Life Care Issues across the Life Span. Funded by Palliative Care Steering Committee, UMHS, University of Michigan


In her over forty years of college teaching, Dr. Strodtman has taught all levels of students and an extensive variety of course topics ranging from fundamental courses such as N122: Nursing as a Societal and Interpersonal Profession to specific graduate-level courses such as N622: Nursing Intervention: Dignified Dying. Currently as an emerita faculty, Dr. Strodtman guest lectures in the School of Nursing as well as in cultural anthropology in the School of Literature, Sciences and the Arts. She has advised master's students on their research and scholarly projects and has served on doctoral dissertation committees.

Affiliations / Service

  • Member, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, 2005-present
  • Member, Academy, School of Nursing Alumni Society, 1994-present
  • Archivist, The Nursing History Society of the University of Michigan, 1988-present (co-founder 1983 and President 1983-1988, 2002-2006)
  • Member, Michigan Oral History Council, 1987-present
  • Phi Kappa Phi, 1970-present
  • Rho Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau 1969-present

Notable Awards / Honors

  • Excellence in Interprofessional Collaboration for Better Patient Care 2012 Award, presented by University of Michigan School of Nursing, University of Michigan Medical School, University of Michigan Health Center, April 2012.
  • Distinguished ELNEC Trainer Award of Excellence, End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium, City of Hope Nursing Research and Education and American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2008
  • Sigma Theta Tau, Rho chapter awards, Excellence in Nursing, 1982; Excellence in Nursing Education, 1999; Excellence in Nursing Practice 2006; Award for Distinguished Service, 2006
  • Distinguished Alumni Award, Hurley Hospital Medical Center School of Nursing, 2002
  • Mae Edna Doyle Teacher of the Year Award, University of Michigan School of Nursing, 1999
  • American Nurses Foundation Scholar, 1992-1993


  • PhD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 1994
  • MS - Medical-Surgical Nursing, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1970
  • BS in Nursing, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 1967
  • Diploma in Nursing, Hurley Hospital School of Nursing, Flint, MI, 1965

Publication Highlights

  • Strodtman, L. K. (August, 2021).  CHOICE Connect.  Book Review., Dossa, Parin Aziz.  Social palliation:  Canadian Muslims’ storied lives on living and dying.  Toronto, 2020. 232p bibl index ISBN 9781487505233; ISBN 9781487525309 pbk; ISBN 9781487531812 ebook.

  • Montagnini, M., Smith, H.M., Price, D.M., Strodtman, L., Ghosh, B. (March 31, 2021).  An Instrument to Assess Self-Perceived Competencies in End-of-Life Care for Health Care Professionals:  The End-of-Life Care Questionnaire. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. Published online:

  • Strodtman, L.K. (February, 2020).  CHOICE Connect.  Book Review., Preedy, Victor R. ed.  Handbook of Nutrition and Diet in Palliative Care, 2nd Ed. CRC Press, 2019. 428p bibl index ISBN 9781138064072,; ISBN 9781315160627 ebook.

  • Strodtman, L.K. (June, 2019). CHOICE Connect.  Book Review:  Sumser, B.; Leimena, M.: & Altilio, T. Palliative care: a guide for health social workers, Oxford, 2019. 285p bibl index ISBN 9780190669607 pbk,; ISBN 9780190669621 ebook.

  • Strodtman, L. K. (April, 2019) CHOICE Connect. Book Review:  Clayton, Karen J. Demystifying hospice: inside the stories of patients and caregivers. Lexington Books, 2018. 167p bibl index ISBN 9781538114940; ISBN 9781538114957 ebook.

  • Price, D.M; Strodtman, L.K.; Montagnini, M.; Smith, H.M & Ghosh, B. (November 21, 2018). Health Professionals Perceived Concerns and Challenges in Providing Palliative and End-of-Life Care:  A Qualitative Approach. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine.   Published online:

  • Montagnini, M.; Smith, H.M.; Price, D.M.; Ghosh, B. & Strodtman, L. (June 5, 2018)  Self-Perceived End-of-Life Care Competencies of Health-Care Providers at a Large Academic Medical Center. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. Published online.

  • Price, D.; Strodtman, L.; Montagnini, M.; Smith, H.; Miller, J.; Zybert, J.; Oldfield, J.; Policht, T.; & Ghosh, B. (July, 2017). Palliative and End-of-Life Care Education Needs of Nurses Across Inpatient Care Settings.  J. of Continuing Education in Nursing. 48 (7):  329-336

  • Price, D.; Strodtman, L.; Brough, E.; Lonn, S.; & Luo, A. (March/April, 2015). Digital Storytelling: An Innovative Technological Approach to Nursing Education. Nurse Educator 40 (2) :66-70.

  • Strodtman, L.K. (July, 2014). CHOICE 51-6206 R726 2013-17867 CIP, Book review of Final acts: the end of life, hospice and palliative care, ed. by Gerry R. Cox and Robert G. Stevenson. Baywood Publishing, 2013. 239p bibl index afp ISBN 9780895038654; ISBN 9780895038661,pbk: ISBN 9780895038678 e-book.

  • Strodtman, L.K. (March, 2014). CHOICE 51-3868 R118 2013-28155 MARC Book review of Advance care planning: communicating about matters of life and death, ed. by Leah Rogne and Susana Lauraine McCune. Springer Publishing, 2014. 383p bibl index ISBN 9780826110213.

  • Strodtman, L.K. (October, 2013). CHOICE 51-0922 RC685 2012-41098 CIP Book review of Erasing death: the science that is rewriting the boundaries between life and death by Sam Parnia with Josh Young. HarperCollins, 2013. 344p bibl ISBN 9780062080608.

  • Strodtman, L.K. (June, 2013). CHOICE 50-5618 R72 2011-47587 MARC. The best care possible: a physician's quest to transform care through the end of life, ed. by Ira Byock, Avery, 2012. 320p index ISBN 9781583334591. ; ISBN 9781583335123 pbk,; ISBN 9781101561041 e-book.

  • Strodtman, L.K.; Giacomazza, M. G. & Pituch, K. J. (Producers). (2012). Difficult Decisions in Pediatric Care: Just Because We Can, Should We? [DVD] Ann Arbor: Regents of the University of Michigan. The University of Michigan. 30 min.

  • Strodtman, L.K. and Giacomazza, M. G. (Producers). (2006). Evan Mayday’s “Good Death” [DVD]. Ann Arbor: Regents of the University of Michigan. The University of Michigan. 29 min.

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