UMSN Ph.D. candidate receives funding to research yoga for bone marrow transplant patients

UMSN student Mohamad BaydounMohamad Baydoun, a University of Michigan doctoral candidate, recently won a $5,000 research award from the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Foundation. ONS will fund Baydoun’s dissertation research on “Yoga for persistent fatigue in the survivors of bone marrow transplantation (BMT).”

Baydoun has six years of experience as an oncology nurse in a bone marrow transplantation unit. His research addresses fatigue after BMT, a problem that limits activities and causes distress.

Baydoun’s study explores the feasibility of a yoga program to address fatigue. Because yoga is easy to implement, appealing to patients, and can be self-administered, Baydoun believes it has potential to reduce fatigue after BMT.

This study will provide the pilot data needed to design and conduct a larger study.

Baydoun’s faculty mentor is Debra Barton, PhD, AOCN, FAAN, RN. He expects to defend in April 2018.

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