Event details and assistance

hand with an "I" above it to indicate information

Event location

This year's event will be held on campus at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, located 426 North Ingalls Street in Ann Arbor. The event will begin upstairs in Room 2250.

Directions & parking

Because parking at the School of Nursing is extremely limited, please plan ahead on where to park and how to get from the various parking areas to our buildings.  Find additional information on how to find the School of Nursing on map and directions.

Continuing education

If you are seeking continuing education credits for participating in this event, please be certain that you have registered for the event. All registered attendees will receive an email after the event with links that will enable them to receive continuing education credits. University of Michigan Health Nursing Professional Development & Education is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Up to 5.0 Nursing contact hours will be provided based on attendance.

After the event

We work hard every year to create the best event possible by carrying forward ideas and formats that work well, augmented by fresh ideas that we receive from our community. All registered attendees will receive an email with a link to a post-event evaluation and recommendation survey. We encourage you to provide feedback to our planning committee on what worked well, where opportunities for improvement lie, and suggestions on what would make this event even better for next year.

Additional questions

If you have additional questions about attending the event, please contact Glen Marian