Clinical rotations for sophomores terminated immediately
U-M School of Nursing sophomores,
You have done great work this last week, continuing your clinical assignments while balancing loads of anxiety and uncertainty. Your faculty, in collaboration with our clinical site partners, have been working strongly on clinically meaningful exercises that help you learn as best as possible remotely.
Accordingly, all clinical rotations and experiences are stopped for the term for sophomore students. This is effective immediately. Communications from the undergraduate office and your clinical faculty will be forthcoming to provide an overview of how the remaining clinical hours will be completed remotely (e.g., case studies, video simulations, discussion).
For those traveling home, please travel safely. Be vigilant about hand hygiene and touching your face as this is critically important as you move out into the general community.
In the weeks ahead, remember that you remain part of an open and active school and university. You are not alone; we are together.
Patricia D. Hurn, Ph.D., RN
Dean and Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing
Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
College of Literature, Sciences and the Arts
University of Michigan