Dana Tschannen, PhD, RN
University of Michigan School of Nursing
400 North Ingalls Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5482
- Evidence-based practice and quality improvement
- Frontline nurse engagement
- Team training
- Nurse sensitive indicators (e.g. pressure injury prevention, falls)
- Innovative teaching strategies
Dr. Tschannen’s unique expertise in evidence-based practice (EBP) and quality improvement (QI) methodologies has advanced the science of quality and safety in healthcare through positively influencing understanding and adoption of evidence-based strategies among the interprofessional team. She ardently embraces the need for frontline nurse engagement in EBP and QI, noting the pivotal role nurses play in providing and improving patient care. Dr. Tschannen has conducted several studies aimed at improving quality through knowledge acquisition (e.g. interprofessional team training, nurse QI competency, pressure injury risk identification) and EBP adoption (e.g. pressure injury prevention, early mobility, falls). In her current appointment, Dr. Tschannen works collaboratively with Nursing Administration at Michigan Medicine. She has worked closely with nurses at various levels in the promotion of evidence-based practice and improvement in processes related to point of care delivery. She is committed to advancing the role of systems in health care; linking evidence-based practice, quality improvement, skilled health care professionals and robust processes to deliver world-class care to patients in the 21st century.
Current Research Grants and Programs
- “Improving Frontline Nursing Engagement in Quality Improvement (QI)” (PIs: Tschannen & Alexander; Co-Is: Tovar, Zellefrow, Milner). The purpose of this cross-sectional, national study is to identify and compare QI competency (e.g. knowledge, skills, attitudes) of nursing staff (e.g. staff nurses and mid-level nurse leaders) towards QI within diverse practice settings and roles, as well as their perception of facilitators and barriers for QI engagement. This study is in partnership with the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Doctor of Nursing Practice Leadership Task Force.
- “Improving Safety through Team Training on Effective Leadership and Followership within the Interprofessional Team” (PI: Tschannen; Co-Is: Walker, Fischer, Khang). The purpose of the study is to compare knowledge, skills, and attitudes around Crew Resource Management principles among the interpreofessional team; and (2) to determine the effectiveness of interprofessional CRM training on utilization of team behaviors conducive to patient safety. The study is funded by the University of Michigan Mini-IPX Cube Grant (2019-2020).• “Reducing Hospital-acquired Pressure Injury among Intensive Care Unit Patients through Improved Risk Identification” (PI: Tschannen; Co-I: Anderson). The purpose of this study is develop and validate a predictive model of PI risk among hospitalized surgical patients.
- “Reducing Hospital-acquired Pressure Injury among Intensive Care Unit Patients through Improved Risk Identification” (PI: Tschannen; Co-I: Anderson). The purpose of this study is develop and validate a predictive model of PI risk among hospitalized surgical patients.
Dr. Tschannen has made substantial contributions to the field of nursing through teaching and mentoring students (undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level), faculty, and the interprofessional team. She strives to create a positive learning environment where diverse learners are free to speak openly, question the current state, and challenge their understanding of practice as it relates to concepts and evidence (local and global) explored in her teaching. Dr. Tschannen encourages creativity among unique thinkers in order to enhance learning through intellectual diversity. Furthermore, students in her classes learn by doing, as she embraces innovative, active learning modalities including simulation, case analysis, discussions and debates. Her focused area of teaching include healthcare quality, evidence-based practice, systems leadership, and quality analytics. Furthermore, Dr. Tschannen’s expertise in QI/EBP methodologies, utilization of innovative teaching strategies, and exemplary record of dissemination has resulted in her mentorship and guidance to students and faculty in EBP/QI project processes, career opportunities, and overall strategies for success.
Affiliations / Service
- Sigma Theta Tau, Rho Chapter, Member
- Midwest Nursing Research Society
- Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) DNP Taskforce
Notable Awards / Honors
- National Pressure Ulcer Advisor Panel Conference Overall Best Contribution to the Field Poster Award: At Risk or Not At Risk? The Development of the Pressure Injury Predictive Model
- Evan Newport HOPE Award Nominee (Hospital-to-homecare videoconference handoff, PI: Suzanne Knight)
- Michigan Medicine Nurse Poster Day: Innovation Award, Hospital-to-homecare videoconference handoff improved communication, coordination of care & patient/family engagement.
- Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) Health Systems, Policy, & Informatics Distinguished Scholar Award
- Leadership for Academy Nursing Fellow, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
- Annual Online Learning Consortium International Conference, Best in Track (Technology and Emerging Learning Environments Track): Use of Online Modules and Video Simulation in Annual Nursing Staff Competency Blitz
- PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2005
- MS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2002
- BSN, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1997
Publication Highlights
Tschannen, D., Alexander, C., Milner, K., Taylor, S., Prochnow, L., Ghosh, B., & Tovar, E. (2019, May). Advancing a toolkit for quality and safety at the frontline: Nursing quality improvement practice (N-QuIP) tool. Paper presented at the 2019 QSEN International Forum. Cleveland, OH.
Tschannen, D., Alexander, C., Taylor, S., Prochnow, L., Ghosh, B., Milner, K., & Tovar, E. (2019, May). Advancing a toolkit for quality and safety at the frontline: KSAs and barriers/facilitators among nurses. Paper presented at the 2019 QSEN International Forum. Cleveland, OH.
Shuman, C.J., Liu, X., Aebersold, M.L., Tschannen, D., Banaszak-Holl, J., & Titler, M.G. (2018). Associations among unit leadership and unit climates for implementation in acute care: A cross-sectional study. Implementation Science, 13(62). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13012- 018-0753-6.
Tschannen, D., Dorn, R., & Tedesco, C. (2018). Improving knowledge and behavior of leadership and followership among the interprofessional team. International Journal of Medical Education, 9, 182-188.
Bay, E., & Tschannen, D. (2017). An academic-service partnership: A system-wide approach and case report. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(6), 373–377. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20170518-11.
Tschannen, D. (2017). Development of a virtual crew resource management training program to improve communication. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 48(11), 525-532. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3928/00220124-20171017-11.
Tschannen, D., McKay, M., & Steven, M. (2016). Improving pressure ulcer through a nursing student-focused intervention. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(5), 266–270. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20160414-05.
Tschannen, D., Yaksich, J., Aebersold, M., & Villarruel, A. (2016). Fidelity after SECOND LIFE facilitator training in a sexual risk behavior intervention. Simulation & Gaming, 47(1), 130–150. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1046878115627279.
Tschannen, D., Anderson, C., Strobbe, S., Bay, E., Bigelow, A, Hwa, C., Gosselin, A.K., Pollard, J., & Seng, J.S. (2015). Scholarly Productivity for Nursing Clinical Track Faculty. Nursing Outlook, 62(6), 475–481. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2014.05.006.
Tschannen, D., Aebersold, M. Kocan, M, Lundy, F., & Potempa, K. (2015). Improving patient care patient care through student leadership in team quality improvement projects. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 30(2), 181–186. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000080.
Wood, W., Tschannen, D., Trotsky, A., Gruanwalt, J., Adams, D., Chang, R., Kendziora, S., & Diccion-MacDonald, S. (2014). A mobility program for an inpatient acute care medical unit. American Journal of Nursing, 114(10), 34–40. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NAJ.0000454850.14395.eb.